Supporting you to reclaim your connection to your womb and the cyclical wisdom of your body.

My intention is to provide offerings that support you on the journey of reclaiming your birthright of living life as a well-pleasured, well-resourced being. Through my work I teach you how to embody your cyclical nature, be led by the oracle of your womb and expand your capacity to hold deeper states of love, pleasure and aliveness within your body.

Thank you for joining me here.

With love and gratitude, Maddie

Explore My Offerings

  • "Working with Maddie is such a blessing! Her connection to the energy body and subtle realms make sessions with her extra etheric, while she also holds deep grounded wisdom of the earth. Maddie and I have been part of each other's healing paths for years and it's been a true honor to heal in sisterhood with her. Her soul is gentle yet fierce, and her knowledge, connection and devotion to the plant kingdom and energetic world is something I truly value in her presence."

    Natalie W. - San Diego, CA

  • "My reiki experiences with Maddie have been nothing but exceptional. From the first moment I met Maddie, I felt grounded and calm, and that is the energy I leave every session with. The insights she provides me with after our sessions are so insightful and accurate. Her intuition is spot-on. As time passes, I think back to all the suggestions she provided me and how they each came to fruition. I truly love how grounded and expansive I feel after working with Maddie. I would encourage anyone to work with her because she is a true healer."

    Jared G. - San Diego, CA

  • "Maddie is a gifted Reiki healer, always transporting me to realms so full of peace it's almost disorienting to come back into human form. Her work has given me a place to establish my inner calm that I can relax back into whenever I need it. Maddie has been, is, and will always be my favorite reiki practitioner."

    Marcella C. - San Diego, CA

  • "Maddie was an amazing guide for my group's recent kambo and plant medicine journey. She made it a very comforting and safe environment to go deep. I received some very profound insights during the journey and it was an absolutely amazing experience. Thank you Maddie for sharing your space and energy with us. Can't wait for the next one."

    Ryan M. - Miami, FL